Cock & Ball
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Get ready for some ball crushing. The clear acrylic gives great views of the action from any angle.
Watch the boy's eyes get big as he feels the pressure against his balls and experiences new levels of trusting his top.
CAUTION, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! This device is made for use by consenting adults only. The manufacturer and seller of this device recommends that it not be used without training by a professional.
Insert the balls first, then the cock through the hole on the back plate, pull the cock only through the front plate, put on the adjustment knobs, and you're ready to go.
Flatten slowly and watch your progress through the clear acrylic.
Dimensions: 5" x 7"
Sizing Information:
CAUTION, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! This device is made for use by consenting adults only. The manufacturer and seller of this device recommends that it not be used without training by a professional.
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